The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

YOUR MORNING NEWSPAPER THE SHREVEPORT TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1917 SEVEN Ford "Acorn" of 1903 Giant "Oak" of Today JAP LIVING STANDARD TO MATCH 1930-34 To Open Vets' Alaskan Project HEDDA Time for the Week endihg. Galveston Sea Wall May Be Film Subject .1 11" I II 4t 1 9 I- I riTBTinTTTMMtlli 'Hi Sfv Hollywood. Richard Tyler, tar of, but praise for the English people, the Mom Hart play, "Christopher "They've got guta," ehe told me. In Is here for the picture England she met the Stewart which Eagle Lion will Grangers and Johnny Mills. The latter ma Allied Commission Hopes Previous Level Will Be Met by 1950 make.

Lola Butler, 14-year-old singer, expects to be here for a picture In will play opposite Tyler. In the pic-! June. "I waa criticized," said tare, the who slna like an angel Barbara, "for stating that I thought have the part of a girl who American designers were the best Washington, April 18 (JP). The VHus ixn oen't like to sing, but does so to fitted for doing the clothes of Amer- Allies have decreed a post-war living keep her father's mind off his' lean women. Parisian dressmakers trouble.

Oene Raymond, a small cabled me to clarify my statement standard for Japan equivalent to that town mayor, will be paired with In Cannes," she continued, "I saw between 1930 and 1934 higher than; lllffl Ivnn Ban in the same film. After the a collection of Jean Patou'a clothes, tirture's finished. Gene will go to They were charming. I told Patou faratra to Clrrtt plays for a summer-what I thought of them. He responded ock company.

Hla ambition Is to be with, 'I wish people would say. "What a none director. Garsan Kanin. a beautiful woman," Instead of "What it Is now, but lower than Its prewar possibilities. The Far Eastern commission of 11 nations which sets the policy toward Japan sent a directive to Gen.

Douglas MacArthur for this purpose Jan. 23 but disclosed It only today after ho's here arranging with his brother a beautiful gown'. Barbara a I inn i Lfif; for the production of the Ron- doesn't yet know what her next plc- Id Colman picture "The Art of will be. er." tell me that both he and his1 Gregory Peck wants Alfred Hitch I MA. "lb.

i wife. Ruth Oordan, are writing plays co*ck to direct him in a play for the fir next season. "But it's too early to Jolla (California) theatre this about them," said he. I summer. Hitchy says he'd love to.

The MacArthur had sanctioned the announcement. The 1930-34 llng standard for Japan Is to be reached by 1950. The decision, the commission's most far-reaching to date, means that hundreds of Japan's Industries will ked when "Born Yesterday" would play may be "The Rope," which be put on the screen. He replied. -1 Hitchy wants to turn into a film fon't know.

Its still packing audi- But that would be after he does be declared surplus and available for reparations. n-r in at the theatre. Despite it "Under Capricorn" with Ingrld Berg- I'm gripped with fear every man In Fngland a year hence. time I write a new play. I can Fairbanks has received an auoience with hat In hand ready i tatlon from Adm.

Louis Mountbatten The commission now Is trying to to iah from the theatre before the to visit Delhi while India's still under over. I wake up screaming." British rule. Doug's new leading The im of should be that lucky, lady. Pauls Croset, stopped by my w.n?,d to tf rreridie offlc to hello. She's a natural I ri.tT jr a i blonde without airs.

"If your daughter-in-law ever needs a baby sitter," she said, "call on me. I love babies." Paule was formerly at RKO. where she played ln five "Falcon" pictures. She's well-traveled, having made everal trips around the world, decide Just how much of the industries will be taken from Japan, and what nations will get them. The United States already has directed MacArthur to start distributing some of Japan's excess industrial capacity to the Philippines, China, the Netherlands East Indies, and some of Britain's Far East possessions.

It took this step by Itself after the commission had been unable to agree on the distribution question during months of discussion. The 1930-34 base was proposed originally by the United States. Itj was in 1931 that Japan moved into' March would leave "Years Ago" long enough tc do a picture. Oarson said. "He's bn wonderful: and I'd be to let him take a vacation f--m the play if he has the urge.

I think want to cash in on ntptur llnr cttiniy "Alaska or bust" Is motto or Mr. and Mrs. Chris Burrls or Baltimore, and hdward M. Repettl (left) or Washington, I. as they start out from the capital via truck and house trailer.

They are members of the Veterans' Alaska Co-opcrntle company which plans first vet settlement project in the territory at Port Chilkoot, 70 miles north of Juneau. Also making the trip are the Burrls' 3-year-old daughter, Judith, and dog. Buddy. (International oundphoto) Cr fo, -The Best Years of Our but "ling ln America. She's just taken out her flrat American citizen Ll I'M'." As twn ship papers.

When Merle Oberon a John Wayne finishes TELEGHAI'IIEHS SEEK slipped between sheets to play a bed- 11 off to Galveston, operation of the Western facilities or (2) operation of the faculties by A. and T. FCC officials said the brief had not been received here early this afternoon. FEDERAL OPERATION OF WESTERN UNION Ford company'a weekly payroll tally In 190S. Today's personnel file room.

T'xas where hell confer with the rko, ahe esclalmed. "They're creoe tv about doing a picture d- chln, Ethe, Barrymore. who's t-M on the b.nKiinir of that town's plilylnB Merle's aunt ln the picture, famous sea wail it would be one of some snappy dialogue. Her final independent productions. n.

tn- cen WR(( runny f.ere Auirv to Birmingham. thln(? but nobody nMpIs for his rodeo show early ln May. But much mho-vt got plenty of r.e'i: not tour the rest of the South at Comoton Bennett, who dl. Tall oaks from little arorns grow, but never did such a giant oak grow front such a little acorn as the Ford automobile empire. On July 1ft, 1903, the Ford company's 18-emplove weekly payroll totaled while today Ford's 129.172 workers draw a dally payroll of 91,500,000.

(International) Washington, April 18 (A1). The Commercial Telegraphers Union AFL) reported today It Is taking steps to Manchuria. In the succeeding years Japan's Industrial wealth increased aa a result of conquest but much of the output went Into the war machine Instead of bettering the civilian living standard. The Russians, officials here said, at first proposed 1928-30 as a base, but later agreed to 1930-34 when It appeared that the civilian living standard was about the same in both cases, despite Japanese conquests after 1931. time as he has to return here s.Venth Veil." movea lnto: KVVKH KTBS KRMD 1130 KC CBS 1480 KC XBC 1340 KC ABC 50,000 WATTS 1,000 WATTS 230 WATTS CENSORSHIP STILL WORRY TO NEWSMEN AUCTION SALE! Jewelry Watches Diamonds Luggage Everything; Must Go! NO LIMIT! NONE RESERVED! 2 Sales Daily Doors Open 2 P.

M. and 7 P. M. BONDS JEWELERS 709 Tex St SATURDAY MORNING PROGRAMS get the government or American Tele-, phone and Telegraph company to operate the Western Union Telegraph company. A union official told a reporter a brief containing such a proposal has been prepared for filing with the Federal Communications commission; later ln the day.

The brief, the official said, la In the form of an Intervention ln the FCC proceeding ln which Western Union now is seeking permission to reduce its local services In various parts of the country. The union official said his organi-! zation, will ask. that "the telegraph industry be put on a sound founda-, tlon," either through (1) government; Cab Drivers Are Fined, Sentenced n.s coiumoia picture, straw oerry to rtlrect Calvert P. -an On the "righting Father you r)ns Wlfe Xne plc. Dunne" set I found Pat Brlen and ture wlI, rolI ln June, Vra O'Connor doing a very lovely; A -why doesn't some cen.

I noticed that midgets were on, mllk. pCture based on the life used as stand-ins for chlld)0f tn ut 0 0 Mctntyre? And how actor "Its bersuse the midgets needbrut putting in a good word for the the work an badly." Pat explained ulmlnil ot Tnoma Hardy's 'Return lee Sullivan, who's a smash hit of tn Native' as well as 'The Mayor Irt Brsiadoon," same here for the of Casterbrldge'?" Well, how about It. Croebr picture. "The Great John Mr producer? Bruce Bennett L- Afer the film was finished Lee tUm to Mexloo tf) pUy Humphrey rerer got another tumble. But now Bogarfs sidekick ln "Treasure of the Hollywood producers are camping on Slerra Madre." He's sweating out a doorstep.

The same thing's hap-addition to ths family and hopes rrd with Marion Bell. Nothing thil wo.t hl, Foreign Correspondent A.M. tArk-Ls-Tex Jublle 15 Ark-La-Tex JublL. 3(1 lArk-Ln-Tex Jubilee Betty Lou and Jimmy For The Best In Radio New Read The Times Having Hard Time, Cooper Asert( 6 A.M. ILotiisiana Farm Boys :15 lArk-La-Tex Jubilee :30 Radio Ranch Boys :43 lArk-La-Tex Jubilee Louisiana Jamboree Farm Nrws Hymn Time Reading the Bible Start the Day Right Start the Day RiKht Songs of the West Song Bird Two Yellow cab drivers were fined $50 each and sentenced to 10 days M.

Agronsky, News Sacred Heart Musical Reveille New York, April 18 (yp). Censor- 7 A.M. INews Weather J. Bpnd 7:15 Bailee Bros. 7:30 Judy, Grace, Jean 7:45 iTexa Jim Lewis, New News.

M. Wenzinger Weather Liebert Llebert Pierce, B. Jan IT ln Jail toy Judge Ruvlan D. Hendrick ln city court Friday morning for assaulting another driver with a black Jack. News; Happy Birthday Sentenced were D.

B. Bollnger. 23, eould make me happier than seeing Don Hartman, the ot Jorel8a nw dispatches kids click in uch a big way. whos turning director for the newimlned problem, in 1945 the first Bsrbsra Stanwyck wss hours late Otnger Rogers picture, has been the end of World War II, In getting back here from her Euroa lot of sleep. His doctor told htm toKent Cooper, executive director of fesn trip.

Her train had to detour stop smoking. But that very dsy his: The Associated Prees, said today ln 8 A.M. iMornin News IGarden Gat 1:30 iBalles Bros. 8:45 IRenfro Valley Folks News. Charles Phillips Badlo Reporter Coffee with Congress Coffee with Consress 217 West 68th street, and Clifton Wake Up and Smile Wake Up and Smile Wake Up and Smile Wake Up and Smile Your Home Beautiful Weekly Record Kevue Junior Junction Junior Junction Turner, 20, 1325 Jennings.

Dismissed were charges of fighting and assault his annual report F. Meriwell Adventures Home Dem. Aent Decision Now filed by the two against E. W. Hemphill, 21.

928 Spring street, whom; around the wreck of the Santa Fa wife gave him a solid gold lighter; Super Chief, fhe had her new French' his' secretary, a sports lighter; and tood: in tew. "He wss as well be-! friends. 12 cartons of clgarets for his fcsved as any passenger on the 19th wedding anniversary. Heverthe- 8 A.M. IBooks Brlns Adventure 8:15 IBooks Brine Adventure 8:30 iMsry Lee Taylor 8:45 iMary Lee Taylor 10 A.M.

INews Let's Pretend 10:15 Let's Pretend 10:30 Adventurer's Club 10:45 lAdventurer's Club 11 A.M. ITheatre of Today Judge Hendrick found to be the vie-: Young American' Club Youn American' Club Teen Age Time Three Sun New Piano Playhouse Piano Playhouse tlm of the other drivers' assault. ss.d she. Bsrbara has nothing less, he's following the doc's advice The Incident occurred about 12:45 Smllin' Kd McConnell Sunday School Lesson a. m.

Thursday at the Yellow cab stand on Crockett street. Theatre of Today Smilin' Ed McConnell Church Caicndat 11:15 11:30 11:43 7 he House of Son he House of Son At Your our Home is What Your American You Make It I Farmer Both Turner and Bollnger have oervice SATURDAY AFTERNOON PROGRAMS been ln court before to answer other i charges. They both gave notice of appeal, and bond was set at $75. If I The Shreveport Timet offer iiijuiiiuiiiun fur ridli; lUt'H Ufit thi. supciai information service to assist service men and Joe Eltlfe, 45, 844 Falrvlew, was News, Nick Oearhart Vets Administration Nat'l Farm and Home Hour women, veteran and their dependants Answer will furnished to O'ietions on family Women and Their Dependents sentenced to pay $100 and serve 30 days in Jail on the charge or operating an auto while Intoxicated.

Ap 12 A.M. INews Man on the Farm 12:15 Man on the Farm 12:30 (World Wide New 12:43 iThe Swap Shop 1 iGive 1:15 lUive and Take 1:30 ICounty Fair 1:45 ICounty Fair allowance, allotment, torn. pern I Ion rlaim. demobilization, eof voratlnn tralnlnf. re-emolovment, tnnuranca, Danslon.

loan ev! rt Bi other wrii of fil nil veieran richts Youth Asks the Government News Fascinating Bhythm Our Town Speaks Our Town Speaks The Hllltonprrs This Is For You Speaking of Songs Speakins of Songs Sunset Roundup Sunset Roundup peal bond of $150 has been posted by him. Early Richards, negro, 22. 113 Mar-. A New Nation-wide radio program with FRED ROBBINS Introducing the latest Hit Records Sweet and Hot! With GUEST STARS! Presented by Columbia Recording Corporation. TUNE IN KRMD 5 TO 5:30.

Amir's Quemoti to "At Your Hervlre. rr of Shreveoort Time. Shreve. vvrue your nn-e nd a1dre rlesrlv. and enrlose a three-rent oostase damp voi.r A ennf irlenllal rxreonai rrl will sent you Don't iiannna shall, was sentenced to 30 days in 2 P.M.

ICros Section V. S. A. 2:13 ICross Section U. S.

A. 2:30 'Treasury Bandstand iTreasury Bandstand New types of barriers were raised to the "fre flow of Information" from those of the "wartime pencil wlelders," Cooper said, explaining: "On correspondent was kept waiting two months ln Itsly for a visa to enter Yugoslavia at a time he waa badly needed there. Another was the target of an abusive campaign by the controlled press of Poland. Three men sought clearances to en ter Romania to report the November election but none received them although application was made three weeks ln advance. "Censorship wa not confined to the Russian cone, however; It appeared ln India, Spain and other countries.

Th report, mailed to Associated Press member In advance of the annual meeting here next Monday, said a new type of foreign correspondent had emerged in th postwar era. "Covering the new of the world," Cooper said, "called for gifts other than the courage that marked the war correspondent: Such gifts as the willingness to study and master complex situation and Involved Ideas; constant watchfulnea against being misled by propaganda; eternal vlgilanc ln the struggle for objectiv Jail for the theft of $4.50 worth of Your Host is Buffalo Your Host is Buffalo The Baxters Camp Meeting Choir Orchs. of the Nation Orchs. of the Nation Orchs. of the Nation Orchs.

of the Nation Drs. Then and Now Drs. Then and Now Name of Tomorrow Mmes of Tomorrow Fdward Tomlinson The Doolittle Fliers Three Sun King Cole Trio apples, oranges, and candy from the In the event of a veteran's death, also must have a compensable service Wa ha sure or minor children re- connected disability and must show any of his unused resdjuat- a ned for vocational rehsbilltatlon to irent H. R. D.

overcome the hsndlcsp of the dls- A No. 'ability. Tip Top Produce company. 3 P.M. jHerse Racing 3:13 (Gene Krup Orch.

3:30 lAdventures ln Science 3:43 ISafeguards for America Horse Races Stars ln the Afternoon Treasury Show Treasury Show Sam Rohtnaon, negro, 50, 314fl Dun- lap, was fined $100 with the alterna Several months ago I received try termmel lesve bond, but sn un- tive of 60 days for assaulting another negro with a knife. 4 P.M. Orch. 4:15 (Philadelphia Orch. 4:30 (Philadelphia Orch.

4:43 Philadelphia Orch. Q. Will the Federsl Oovsrnment or iBtates make souvenir rifle anrl nlstnl Saturday Concert Saturday Concert Saturday Concert Saturday Concert fortunate fire destroyed moat cf my (brouht b4Ck to th. BtitM jeroras, snciuaing tni oono. now do I apply for a duplicate? L.

R. N. i P.M. IJohn Vandereook. News, 8:13 IChristian Science Church 5:30 ISports Review 5:45 IMartial Roundup News Rhapsody of the Rockies News; Nick Gearhart Sports and Music Columbia Record Shop Fireside Quartet Labor, U.S.A.

i by veterans) serviceable, lf the vet-jersn haa his firearm registered with OYSTER RED OWNERS FILE SUIT AGAINST OIL CORPORATIONS SATURDAY EVENING PROGRAMS 3 New Orleans, April 18 (P). Boko o-t. ur property authority? W. W. R.

dvtrtently destroyed bonds issued to, A No Th, Natlonil rirearm, Act tsem in payment for unused leave r.qulrM reg8tration of al, firearm. er furlough under the armed force wUn tne Aicoho, Unu of th set of iun. ahould direct aIUlru of lnlernal tn4 request to the Chief of the Pi vision capbit ot tmng mora than ef Lear and Currency. United States one Tn- Aiconol Xax Unlt la Department of Treasury. Waahlngton howev offlnir frt.

r.n. and Jack Zibillch, Louisiana residents. 6 P.M. :15 :45 Waltin' for Clayton Jean Sablon Show Vaughn Monroe's Orch. Vauahn Monroe'a Orch.

Our Foreign Policy Our Foreign Policy Curtain Time Curtain Time FURNITURE CO.Cf Harry Wismer News Here's to Veterans Earl William Show Famous Jury Triala Famous Jury Triala I Deal In Crime I Deal In Crime 7 P.M. Once Upon Tune 7:13 Once Upon a Tune 7:30 The Mayor of the 7:45 Town Ned Calmer Life of Riley Life of Riley Truth or Consequence 1 850 Texas Ave. Phone 2-951 6 ity. I 95. A full explanation Of -souvenir firearm" "Correspondents were called on to know at least th element of nu nently unserviceable.

Q. What are the special quallflca- clear physics, to be economist. o-cial scientist, historian and above have filed suit for $613,314 against seven large corporations for damage allegedly done their oyster beds ln Baratarla bay and vicinity. The suit was brought ln federal district court against the Texas Humble Oil and Refining Free-port Sulphur fJulf Rerinlug Danclgrr Oil and Refining The California and the Lnfltte Co. The complaint contends that ln mineral operations the defendants have caused waters containing substances deadly to oysters to pass over the plaintiffs' oyster beds, killing 8 P.M.

lYour Hit Parade 8:13 lYour Hit Parade 8:30 lYour Hit Parade 8:45 Saturday Night Serenade 8 P.M. (Saturday Night Serenade 8:13 IThls Is Hollywood 8:30 with Hedda Hopper 9:43 Alabama Jubilee tlons of a "senior" and "command pilot" as distinguished from a "pilot" In the Air Forces? E. h. T. all to keep their minds clear ln The Time, Place and Tune Can You Top This Can You Top Thi The Judy Canova Show Grand Qle Onry Grand Ole Opry News.

Nirk Gesrhart St. Abraham' Baptist Choir Dance Music Oangbuster Ganabustrrs Sh re verrt- Houston Hasehall Shreveport-Houston Baseball Shrrveiinrt-Hotiston nrball Shreveport- Houston Baseball News of Tomorrow Carmen Cavallero spite of tremendous pressures. A. A senior pilot hs 10 yeara' aerv- Cooper said the significant news in c.rc*msuncea of tne loss and a com p.e.e description of the bond to be rep'aced. Including th name and ailrese of th claimant, aerial num.

ber (if known), value of the bond, of lunsnri and by whom issued, h'Kild be given. The Treasury Department will send official application forma to the claimant. Q. Djrir.g hat period could army yercnel earn oversea service bars? 8 A. Oversea service bsrs sr earned with I ftOO hours; a command pilot mfl waa dominated by "the struggle lSu.ncyNeHowel?oo" ole has IS years' service with 3.000 hour.

I oolltlcal and economic power Freddy 10:30 Nagel' Nagel'i Orch. Orch. Freddy 10:43 Q. Pleaae Inform me whether tn Unitea States, marked by a decoration conferred after diacharg wav0 of eariy ln the year, and oysters from 1941-47. 11 P.M.

News 1130 Club 11:15 11130 Club 11:30 U130 Club 11:45 11130 Club News Louis Prima Orchestra Thre- Suns Trio Lee Sims News News Dancing Party Dancing Party Dancing Party Dancing Party News may be noted on one's discharge cer- tlllcat? L. R. W. Bossier Veterans Raising Sin S1NE1 12 MID.jNewg 1130 Club 12:15 11130 Club 12:30 11130 Club 12:45 11130 Club Texas City Relief Funds tor ca sis months of overseas, A. Information concerning a deco-rric between Dec.

7. 1941 and Sept. ration which wa authorised to a t. 1849. both dates inclusive.

jvetersn AFTER wa discharged Q. It a veteran leav th United may entered on hi original dU-; for an Indefinite period, would chsrg certificate, still contlnu to recelv hi dls- I recently hesrd that It 1 now 1 A.M. 'New 1:05 ISINE climaxed by the recapture of con-greaa by the Republicans," and by 'the International tug-of-war between Soviet Rui and 'th meaning chiefly th U.8.A.. againt a backdrop of economic and atomic fears." AP news and picture were used by 3,229 publication and other outlet at th end of 194B. compared with 2.983 at the end of 1945, Cooper reported.

Jimmy Linn, secretary of the Bossier Veterana' association announces that funds are being collected for the and every day Texas City disaster fund sponsored by the Galveston News-Tribune, LOUISIANA STATE WELFARE PAYMENTS AT HIGHEST LEVEL posxlb! to purchase a navy discharge, ta there any basis for uch a report? l. w. a. A. It 1 lmpoasibl for navy per- ability eompensatlon? 3.

B. W. A. A veteran may continue to r-c. disability compensation or pen- f-n cnerk while residing in a Contributors are asked to give as much as they can, but any contribution however small will be greatly appreciated.

Contributions can be sent to Jimmy at 7:00 a. m. Five Minutes of Late Baton Rouge, April 18 iP). Total payment by the state department of Linn, secretary, in the Kickapoo hulls company did to STATE IS VALID building, Bossier City. I public welfare "now far exceed any country.

However, anoum onnei purcnae a oiacnarg. inai the VA Regional Offlc of hi practice was discontinued ln 1918. to resid in th foreign Enluted men of th Regular Navy ovintry far enough ln advance so sr required to serv for th full that ehcks msy be mailed periods of their present enlistments, promptly, If he doea not notify the; unless sooner discharged, for dls-VA, the check will be returned to1 ability, dependency (undue hardship ta Treasury Disbursing Office, since on their dependents) or for reasons they cannot forwarded, and will' considered for the good of the service be he.d there until claimed by the or the Convenience of th mnt. Cr.der what condition would a Newspaper Division First to Report on Cancer Fund A. P.

Jackson was the first divisional chairman of the Caddo parish cancer drive to complete his solicitations, W. A. Peaco*ck, drive chairman, said yesterday. Jackson, who headed the newspaper division, reported 100 per cent support from The Times employes. Newspaper employes made canh contributions of $155 and pledges amounting to $195.

Other divisional chairmen are expected to complete solicitations this weak, a the drive closes on April 30. During the remaining days of the drive chairmen are expected to collect funds that will put the campaign over the $30,000 goal, although first tabulations show that only $3,000 have been reported at the drive headquarters, Washington-Youree hotel lobby. 3 IMS ersn qualify for training under (jjllilllists Hear Essaj'8 Now Available New Loan Plan Local residents and many people tn nearby towns are taking advantage of a new auto loan plan offering one day service on loan from $50 00 to $5,000 Usually they get the actual cash within ten minutes and continue to use their car. Loans are made on almost anytthng else. More and more application are being made dally for this confidential, courteous and prompt service at the office of Motor Securities 1317 Texas Avenue, opposite Chant previou level," the monthly report of th department said today.

Director W. S. Terry said the increase In large part was accounted for by higher payment ln accordance with higher living costs and larger state and federal appropriations, rather than by an increase ln the number of recipients. However, the department found that in all categoric tht number of grantee bad increased continuously since March 1846. The total waa ln March, compared with 66,053 ln February.

Applications for assistance received during February were to par cent From Local High Boys Use vocational flsnsouivsnvii (Fublic taw Hi? R. T. R. A. To qualify for auch training, a muit hv had actlv erv.

Je between Sept. 19, 1940 and th rricial end of th war. with a discharge ether than dlahonorable. He Summarizing the mornings headline events as reported by A.P., U.P. and the KWKH news staff.

Baton Rouge, April 18 (JP). The Louisiana Engraving company or Shreveport. which submitted th low bid tor engraving for the state, should allowed to poet a bond and It bid should be considered, the attorley general' offic ruled In an opinion mad public today. Award of the contract was held up two week ago pending a legal Interpretation of a requirement ln the stat printing atatut that bidder ahould post a performance bond. Th Louisiana Engraving company had not dona although It had posted a I2S0 cash deposit, and the second lowest bidder, Shreveport En-graving company, protested the Louisiana company's bid.

First Assistant Attorney Oeneral I. C. Perrault ln the opinion said th requirement. for a bond at the tlm bid were submitted waa not mandatory and that bidders might be given an opportunity to post a performance bond later, before beginning the work. George Wallace, executive counsel to the governor, said the printing board would met soon to act on the con tr set I higher than In February 1046 and, tho for March war 33 per cent NOTDCE! OUR TELEPHONE NO.

IS Optimists at th weekly luncheon yeaterday heard two essays presented by high school students on "Youth ln th Atomic Ag." On of th two will selected by a special commit tee. Cy Young and Bob Johnson, as winner. Th two essayists wera James O. Oallaghsr, son of J. O.

Oallagher. Br. tudent at Byrd high and Lorena Walker, son of William L. Walker, student at Fair Para high. Winner will hav th privilege of competing ln an Optimist sponsored oontest at th dUtrlct convention, Amarlllo.

Texas, on May 8. The winner of th district contest will appear in a national contest to held In Denver next Jun. higher than tor the corresponding March last year. WE PAY MOST MONEY FOR USED CARS and TRUCKS Central Motors, Inc. Otitrlbn'or for rn4(e, Plymouth n.J Drxtf Job-Hated Truck lrkrt at I ahe Phona -1t I Quinn Nominated for Atty.

Gen. Assistant i Washington, April 18 1130 on your dial BOSSIER BANK TRUST CO. HAIIKMIlAI HO XI Ml CITV dent Truman today nominated T. Vincent Qutna of New York to be assistant attorney general, filling an listing vacancy. Th word "gingham" derive from "ging gong" ud by rsldnt of Malaya and Java to deacrlba tb cloth..

The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.